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- User Profile in Members Area: There is no users Profile inside Members Area. Some time members Profile needs to be change. Can you please add this feature in members area so members can Edit their profile. Please also add 4 extra things in Members profile Editor form as follows so members can add these details. Paypal email, Stormpay Email, Nochex Email ( they will be optional) for commission purposes. 4- I checked Affiliate link goes to Register Form instead it should go to Site Index main page which will also be sales page for for members to read. In last 5 years never saw any affiliate link go to Direct Register Form page. New members always first read what they are going to buy then they go to Sign up page. Pleae correct this. Also inside the members area links in the center of the page. Is it possible move them either on the left side or on the top etc.. I will keep checking script and will let you know if anything else need to change.
Multiple Memberships Site Demo 2017